Sass Compiling Error

"Incompatible units px and vh.: _banner.scss on line 378, at column 4 Call Stack: #0 mixin desktop _banner.scss on line 379 #1 import _banner.scss index.scss on line 216"

Our Referral Program - ChaceTech

Our Referral Program

If you know someone in need of the same great IT support you receive, let us know (and put $500 in your own pocket while you're at it!) 
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ChaceTech is always looking for great clients in the
HOUSTON AND SURROUNDING AREAS to work with and we’d love to meet other businesses with 10-2000 computers. So, if you know someone who is having trouble with any aspect of their business technology, do them a favor and put them in touch with us! By recommending associates, colleagues, professional contacts, and vendors, you can help them secure technology peace of mind and you will receive a service credit or a gift card for helping them!


  • Send us the contact info of the decision maker at a company with 10-2000 computers
  • Let them know we’ll be calling
  • We’ll reach out to them with your name and see how we can help and we will donate $100 to Camp Hope for each referral that results in a managed services agreement signed
  • If they sign an agreement, you will receive a $500 referral bonus*
  • It’s just that easy!
  • It’s a win-win for everyone – especially the charities – so what have you got to lose?

* If the referrer can’t accept monetary compensation, ChaceTech will donate to a nonprofit on their behalf

How does an extra $500 in your pocket sound? Refer someone today...